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Learning to read begins before children start school. Help your children develop early literacy skills now; this makes it easier for children to learn to read once they begin school.

Ready to Read Morgan

Morgan County Schools in conjunction with the Children Ferst Foundation of Morgan County developed this website to provide support to the families of Morgan County as they prepare their children for school entry. The site provides a variety of information which will be helpful as your child grows and learns from their first teacher, you!

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This resource is designed around the key learning areas in Pennsylvania’s learning standards for early childhood. It helps build skills in the areas of social, emotional, physical and academic development.

  • When you click on this link to the Georgia Early Learning Developmental Standards (GELDS) website, you will be able to open up each of the different Language and Literacy standards by clicking on each different standard.  You can then choose any one of the indicators for that standard to get more information and ideas for supporting your child’s learning at home.

  • Another great resource for at-home activities for all preschoolers is Reading BrightStart.


Check out different themed early learning activities. You can even get a list of books that match the theme! This resource is bilingual and offers lots of tools, including a Learning is Everywhere calendar and growth chart.

  • Remember to check out the Morgan County Library for more books to read with your child.

  • ​Take a look at these suggestions from Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning about using open-ended questions with your child.

  • Another source to enjoy reading with your child is the Storyline Online site, which has some of your favorite actors reading aloud some of your favorite books. Enjoy!

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